Samast Patidar Samaj, more commonly and abbreviately known as ‘SPS’ has advocated and approved for a mass wedding in Gujrat’s famous Patel community scheduled to be held on 16 Oct 15. As the news is pouring in, in the proposed marriage ceremony, about 42 brides from Orissa will be tying knots with their respective grooms from Gujrat.
Inter caste marriages and more so inter state marriages between different communities have been always frowned upon in India. It was never a welcome gesture more so in the Patel community of Gujrat. So how come celebration of such mass marriage ceremonies among the Patel’s have been arranged?
Marriage Ceremony Solemnized in Gujrat

Solemnization of Mass marriage ceremony in Gujrat is not devoid of any reasons. If one looks at the demographic proportions and sex ratio of the region, one will be quite surprised with the figure of 919 women for every 1000 men in the area. If one goes further into the graphics understanding, it is found out that in Patel community boys in many cases remain unmarried even at the age of 40s. This phenomenon is not without any reason. In fact, the sex ratio and community practices to prefer male over the female during the child birth are said to be the reason of diminishing girls in the community and therefore for the many boys from the Patel community for remaining unmarried.
In view of the above facts and circumstances, in Surat on the said auspicious day, a ‘SWAYAMBAR’ have been organized under the administrative and supervisory control of SPS for the 42 women from Orissa to choose their grooms. On this day, most eligible and available bachelors from the Patel community will be paraded and their Marriage Ceremony will be solemnized under the blessings of the elders and influentials.